Jamie Foxx played football and basketball in high school

Jamie Foxx played football and basketball in high school, Foxx showed off his ripped body in recent Tarantino feature Django. The man has always sported a sporty physique and a confident demeanour so despite his comedic beginnings it is no surprise he was a sports player in high school.

In recent interviews Foxx talked a lot about his workout routine and the hard body weight work he pursued for his chiselled rough look. However time and time again his body has been pitch perfect and he fits into the small club of comedians who can consider themselves damn good looking too!

Foxx has always been into sports and while attending Terrell High School in Terrell, Texas he was a member of the Varsity Basketball team and as also played Football and was hoping to pursue a professional quarterback career. He was the first player in his school history to pass over 1,000 yards! At college he was one of the best quarterbacks in the country.

Of course his acting got a boost in part to his football abilities when he was cast in the movie Any Given Sunday. Personally I am glad he is on the screen and not on the football field. It would have been sad not to have him.
Title: Jamie Foxx played football and basketball in high school
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