Steve carell played hockey in high school and college

Steve carell played hockey in high school and college,  Before he was on the Daily Show, before he became Michael Scott, or the voice actor in children’s cartoons, he was a small town Massachusetts kid with a love for hockey.

Sounds pretty New England. The best part is that he didn’t only play hockey, but he played goalie! Not the easiest position.

Steve Carrell Played Hockey in High School and College

After graduating from Dennison University, Carrell worked as a mail carrier for 6 months before getting fired because, as he was told, he wasn’t very good at it. It was then that he began his comedy career.

Steve Carrell is an awesome guy– further proved by him buying the Marshfield Hills General Store. The actor is a part time resident of Marshfield, Massachusetts and recently purchased the town’s General Store.

He wrote to the Boston Globe, claiming the purchase was more of an ”emotional investment than a business one”.
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