Dustin zito arrested

Dustin zito arrested, Dustin Zito, a 2011 housemate on MTV’s The Real World, Las Vegas and a former porn actor, has been arrested early this morning in Lafayette, Louisiana on sexual battery charges, reports website KATC.com.

Zito, who currently appears on VH1′s Couples Therapy with girlfriend Heather Marter, was also charged with resisting arrest. TMZ reports local police were forced to use pepper spray to subdue Zito, who remains in jail. A court date is set for July 16.

Zito, who identifies as straight, appeared in several hardcore scenes on Fratpad, a gay-for-pay porn site, as a bottom and went by the name “Spencer.” While appearing on The Real World, he adamantly denied his earlier porn career and claimed they were only “rumors.”

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